mohammadpur jabona, chocolate kinte jabo ~ one day whilst returning from office
(age 2 years 2 month)
bhaat khaisi, tooles khaisi, dim khaisi, ruti khaisi ~ when he woke up early one day, and I asked him what he did
(age 2 years 1 month)
amake shaban dao....ami eom eom eom eom kori ~ rubbing his palm together
(age 2 years 1 month)
lebu diye shorbot banay dao
(age 2 years 1 month)
byatha pabo ~ when I asked him if I could eat him up
(age 2 years 1 month)
eta dekhina, ami hindi gaan dekhi ~ wanting to watch hindi songs instead of rhymes
(age 2 years 1 month)
maa boi porena, boi thaak ~ demanding attention from his mother
(age 2 years 1 month)
kheye dekho....ektu kheye dekho....annek moja ~ force feeding mother his food
(age 2 years 1 month)
kande na, ekdom kande na ~ trying to calm his fake crying mom
(age 2 years 8 days)
Amake katukutu dao ~ after waking up from sleep one morning
( age 2 years 3 days)
Ami noodles khaina, ami chaa khai ~ denying to eat his breakfast in the morning, and then gulping up a cup of tea
(age 3 days to 2)
Fik maro, amake chaade fik maro ~ wanting to travel to the moon
(age 22 months)
D for Dog Allah dise ~ on seeing a dog lying by the road
( Age 1 year 10 months)
Zahra chole gese, ekdom chole gese ~ on Zahra (his aunt) leaving for Iran
( Age: 1 year 11 months )
Nana, Nanu, Dadu ~ replying to 'who loves you the most'
( Age: 1 year 10 months )
fotash ~ trying to blow and burst a sock near everyone's ear
( Age: almost 2)
annek jhaal ~ denying to eat his boiled egg
( Age: almost 2)
adel maiya, ami puula
(Age: 1 year 10 months)
September 22, 2014
June 18, 2014
Those Proud Moments....
As a parent I guess there will be many proud moments in my life. As of this date, these are some:
1. You are a well behaved kid: I took you to my friends house the other day. We actually went to see their new born. You were very well behaved, amused yourself with your ball that we took with us. You played on your own. My friend, the new parents, and the other friend were all saying how well behaved ( and cute) you are!
2. Your sense of Order: Everytime I wear a set of salwar kameez, you make sure I wear the right dopatta. If I am not wearing the right one, and if it is laying around you take notice, and bring the right one for me. Proud of your power of observation. I guess you get that from me :P
3. Remembering the use of things: The other day, there was a ball under the bed. I had just freshened the bed with a 'jharu' and kept it nearby. You jumped up, got hold of the jharu and used it to get the ball from under the bed! Way to go my boy { mommy is so proud of you}
4. Your memory: You remember parts of books that we have not read for days.
There are a lot more that I am not putting here. But you make me proud baby :)
1. You are a well behaved kid: I took you to my friends house the other day. We actually went to see their new born. You were very well behaved, amused yourself with your ball that we took with us. You played on your own. My friend, the new parents, and the other friend were all saying how well behaved ( and cute) you are!
2. Your sense of Order: Everytime I wear a set of salwar kameez, you make sure I wear the right dopatta. If I am not wearing the right one, and if it is laying around you take notice, and bring the right one for me. Proud of your power of observation. I guess you get that from me :P
3. Remembering the use of things: The other day, there was a ball under the bed. I had just freshened the bed with a 'jharu' and kept it nearby. You jumped up, got hold of the jharu and used it to get the ball from under the bed! Way to go my boy { mommy is so proud of you}
4. Your memory: You remember parts of books that we have not read for days.
There are a lot more that I am not putting here. But you make me proud baby :)
May 11, 2014
Happy Mothers Day to me.....
Summing it all up:
To start with
When you were born
What you have instilled in me:
To start with
When you were born
Growing up:
How I feel everyday about you:
What you have instilled in me:
How I truly feel about being a mother:
May 1, 2014
Children never grow up in the eyes of their mother....
awww jaanpakhi....but mummy does not want you to grow up.....
and even when you grow up you will always be my little bird, and I will always be there for you to run to, no matter how silly the issue is....
To me you will always be as small as the day you were born, as the day you learned to laugh, as the day you learned to walk, as the day you learned to call me 'maa'.
I will still worry about you when you become a daddy. You will always be my chotopakhi....always!!!
and even when you grow up you will always be my little bird, and I will always be there for you to run to, no matter how silly the issue is....
To me you will always be as small as the day you were born, as the day you learned to laugh, as the day you learned to walk, as the day you learned to call me 'maa'.
I will still worry about you when you become a daddy. You will always be my chotopakhi....always!!!
April 17, 2014
Raising you......a future husband and a father
I dream of raising you as the perfect gentleman: calm, intelligent, respectful, selfless, true and honorable. I guess every mother wants the same. I don't need you to be the perfect son, but I want you to be the best husband and the best father. The proudest moment of my life will be when your wife tells me that I have raised a man of her dreams, and she wants to see the same qualities in her son that she sees in you.
Below is an article on parenting that I was reading and I really liked:
( Also that the writer has 'butterfly' in her name added to the fondness)
16 Things Boys Need from their Moms
Children need many things from their parents. They need stability,
protection, nurturing, and love. They also need other things, different
things from each of their parents.
Because I am a mommy to a little boy, this is what I know. So, here’s the list of things I hope I give to my little guy, in order to help him grow into a good man – the things I think every little boy needs from his mom.
A boy needs:
Because I am a mommy to a little boy, this is what I know. So, here’s the list of things I hope I give to my little guy, in order to help him grow into a good man – the things I think every little boy needs from his mom.
A boy needs:
1. To be showered with affection
- hugs, kisses, all of it. Until he is big enough to not want that
anymore. Then he needs you to ruffle his hair, put your hand on his
shoulder, and hug him anyway. He needs to know the importance of human
contact so that he doesn’t keep it from his wife or children.
2. To dance – in the car, in the living room, in the
front yard. Slow dance, crazy dance, any kind of dancing the song calls
for, even if there’s no song at all. He will learn that life has a
soundtrack. That there is no moment too small to celebrate, and the big
ones….. they almost always call for dancing.
3. To be told secrets – and let him tell them to
you. Big or small. Doesn’t matter what they are. He needs to know that
he can always talk to you, about anything. And besides, secrets are fun!
4. For you to marry the kind of man you want him to be
– because he will. His views of marriage are shaped by what he sees
from you. He will model himself after the men in his life. The kind of
husband he is, the kind of father he is, the kind of man he is. You
can’t example that to him, so find someone who will.
5. To learn the kinds of things that women need –
tell him your favorite flower and let him “buy” them for you. Let him
take you out to dinner. Let him open doors and hold your hand. Show him
what a gentleman looks like.
6. To appreciate beauty, real beauty – don’t put
yourself down in front of him. He will learn to see you like you see
you. He will, at some point, think you are the most beautiful woman in
the world. Let him. Don’t tell him he’s wrong. Let him watch you do your
nails, your hair, and your make-up. It won’t make him less “manly”, but
it will help him understand that women need to feel beautiful.
Hopefully, he’ll spend the rest of his life appreciating the lengths we
go to in order to attain that beauty.
7. Discipline – don’t just let his father do it. He
needs to respect that you are a figure of authority also. He needs to
know that your voice carries just as much weight. He needs to understand
what co-parenting looks like; he’ll do it himself someday.
8. To respect – he will treat his wife the way he
was allowed to treat you. He will treat every woman the way he was
allowed to treat you. Show him that the correct way to speak to women is
with respect and dignity. He’ll thank you for it some day.
9. To learn to say ‘sir’ and ‘miss’ - it will take
him so far in life. People appreciate this little extra bit of
politeness and respect. It can make someone’s day to be made to feel
important and appreciated.
10. Comfort – kiss his boo boo’s, hold him when he
needs it. He’ll learn that when it hurts, it’s ok to cry. Eventually
your kisses won’t fix everything, but knowing that you want to fix it,
that you wish you could heal every one of his broken hearts, it will
give him some comfort. It will give him a place to start healing and a
spot to launch from when the time comes to get back up.
11. Responsibility – make him put his own laundry
away, take out the trash, and help you do the dishes. Make him earn an
allowance to save up for that new guitar, or video game, or baseball
equipment. If you don’t, all housework will forever be known as “woman’s
work” and nobody wants a man like that. You want him to be the man who
will step up and help his wife take care of their home. You want him to
learn to take care of the things he has acquired and you want him to
know how to work for something he wants.
12. To learn his lesson – even the hard ones. This
is one of the hardest parts. As mothers we want to shield our children
from the big, bad world. We want to run to them every time we see them
start down a path that will lead no place good. We want to take their
place every time they might get hurt. And sometimes they need that.
Sometimes they need shielding and protecting. Sometimes they need mom to
swoop in and save the day. And sometimes they don’t. They will be more
effective adults if they are given the opportunity to learn that actions
have consequences. They will be more effective adults if they learn how
to walk away or say no themselves. And they will be more effective
adults if they learn how to handle disappointment.
13. To see his mom respect his father – show him
every day what respect looks like. Show him the way a wife should treat
her husband. If you’re not married to his father, show him the way to
co-parent peacefully, with respect. He needs a woman who will respect
him. Show him what to look for.
14. Love, unconditionally – and make sure he knows
it. When he’s being sweet and obedient. And when he’s not. Every time my
son is in trouble, after he has served out whatever punishment he has
earned and/or we have had the necessary discussions, I always tell him I
love him. We always end on a positive. I never want him to doubt my
love for him and I want him to understand that there is nothing he could
do to make my love for him diminish. It is very important to me that he
knows my love for him is unconditional.
15. His mom to be his biggest fan – whether it be on
the sports field or at the World Series, his first guitar lesson or a
stage, a finger painting or an art gallery masterpiece. Be his biggest
fan. The world is full of people just waiting to show him he’s not the
best. Let him know, that in your eyes, they will always be wrong.
16. His mom to be right next to him – through
everything. Hold his little body when he’s sick and his hand when he’s
broken-hearted. Stand next to him, with pride, on his first day of
kindergarten and his high school graduation. Help him fix his tie for
his first date and his wedding day. Be the first one to him after the
birth of his children. Be right next to him… every time.
April 12, 2014 are my sunshine
Over the weekend, birdie has been overly joyous. Its like he is a bright red flower, blooming in the dirt but glistening in its own glory, reflecting the sun that shines on it, unaware of the filth that surrounds it.
It is a wonder how his smile brightens the darkest of alleys paved with deceit.
It is a wonder how his smile brightens the darkest of alleys paved with deceit.
March 28, 2014
I prayed to have you
Dearest one
There will be some days when everything will fall apart. You will be questioning your fate, you will be questioning your parents and you will be feeling miserable. Ma wants you to remember the following words (specially the last three lines) in those moments of depression.
I have actually prayed, and asked my peers who were going for hajj that year to pray to have you. Today I have the strength to let go everything because I have the thing that is most precious, most dear, and most valuable to me.....and it is YOU my dear jaanpakhi.
There will be some days when everything will fall apart. You will be questioning your fate, you will be questioning your parents and you will be feeling miserable. Ma wants you to remember the following words (specially the last three lines) in those moments of depression.
I have actually prayed, and asked my peers who were going for hajj that year to pray to have you. Today I have the strength to let go everything because I have the thing that is most precious, most dear, and most valuable to me.....and it is YOU my dear jaanpakhi.
March 24, 2014
I read baby milestones every now and then, and it just occurred to me, that I have not been recording yours! So I will try to pull out of my memory some of your milestones
Smiled: around 2 months
Rolling: around 4 months. As soon as you started rolling, you would first look out for the iPad and roll yourself to it
Had first solid food: 27th February, 2013 (5 months)
Pulled yourself to a standing position while holding onto the bed: June 2013 (10 months)
Crawling: ummm this one I cannot remember, but surely it was between 10 - 14 months. First you used get on your knees, and then rock backward and forward. Then after a few days you learned to crawl.
Getting first haircut: Early August 2013 (10 months) Few days before eid
Getting first haircut: Early August 2013 (10 months) Few days before eid
Standing on your own: November 2013 ( 14 months) - I was back home from a training, and you stood up by yourself for the first time. It made me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because you achieved a milestone, sad because you were growing so fast, and moving towards independence so fast. Me, your nanu and adil, all applauded your milestone, and you understood that you were being appreciated. But you could not understand what amused us: the standing or the falling down. So for the next few minutes all you did was stand, and fall down on purpose. It was so cute!
Drawing on the wall with pencil: November 2013 (14 months) - I was having some exam, and was studying at night in the bed. I slept with the books and pencil by my pillow. In the morning you woke up, found the pencil and drew on the wall. I bought you a box of crayons and a big copy after that.
Reading books on your own:
November 2013 (14 months) - You had books since you were 4 months old. But you understood books around this time. So you would bring books to me, and I would point at the pictures and read them to you. When you were on your own, you would turn the pages and read the books by yourself. All you said were of course gibberish.....cute gibberish!
Cutting first teeth: December 2013 (15 months)
Walking: January 2014 ( 16 months)
First Words: January 2014 (16 months) - You started saying meaningful words, and the first word is 'ball' pronounced 'bbball'. By 17 months, you added a few more words to your vocabulary, like 'nnna' for na, 'bbboi' for book, 'adil' for adil and 'kaak' for every type of winged anumal. A crow is a kaak, a pigeon is a kaak, a hen is a kaak!
And for everything your answer is 'nnna', that too with a head swaying.
Baba baire jaba? - nnna
Baba chocolate khaba? - nnna
Baba, ma tomake ador dei? - nnna
Baba, ma tomake mair dei? - nna
Kicking a ball: March 2014 (17 months of age). Took you to roof to play, and you ran around kicking the ball. Never saw you kicking the ball before that!
That's all for now, I will record some more milestones on the way.....
Kicking a ball: March 2014 (17 months of age). Took you to roof to play, and you ran around kicking the ball. Never saw you kicking the ball before that!
That's all for now, I will record some more milestones on the way.....
March 12, 2014
The OCD Mom
Moms are a mental case by nature. I too, like any other mom, want my child to be healthy. And to protect my child from all those artificial ingredients and preservatives I strictly monitor the contents of my childs diet. I seldom let chotopakhi eat anything that is not prepared at home.
He loves noodles, so I make noodles at home. Yes, by make noodles at home I actually mean preparing every strand of noodles!
+ a little whiz =
He loves noodles, so I make noodles at home. Yes, by make noodles at home I actually mean preparing every strand of noodles!
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Noodles in the making |
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Home made Noodles |
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Chicken + Cabbage + Carrot |
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peanuts |
+ a little whiz =
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home made peanut butter |
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making sure he gets his daily dose of nutrition |
March 9, 2014
Cycle of life
The last few days has not been perfect for birdie. Sunday and Monday he had some weird rash from an insect bite, he could not sleep. On Tuesday we both fell down on the road while crossing. Thankfully nothing happened, but next morning he had a fever, which is most probably from the cold he had. By Wednesday evening he starts having dysentry. It started passing mucus by Thursday. As of today, he has stains of blood in his already ameboid dysentry.
Thankfully yesterday we took him to a doctor, the doctor that birdies dad visited when he was a toddler himself, and fell ill with the something similar. Talk about cycle of life!
At that time the doctor lived in birdies dads hometown, now he is here in Dhaka.
Yet under all this distress he keeping up a jolly and playful attitude. He is truly my son!
By the way, I took the iPad with me, guessing that it would take a while for the check up. Birdie played 'perfect kick' on it during the waiting period. Being a 1.5 years old, playing game on iPad and scoring goals like a pro made him attract quiet some attention. Any passerby would stop in awe and take a look at the little genius!
Thankfully yesterday we took him to a doctor, the doctor that birdies dad visited when he was a toddler himself, and fell ill with the something similar. Talk about cycle of life!
At that time the doctor lived in birdies dads hometown, now he is here in Dhaka.
Yet under all this distress he keeping up a jolly and playful attitude. He is truly my son!
By the way, I took the iPad with me, guessing that it would take a while for the check up. Birdie played 'perfect kick' on it during the waiting period. Being a 1.5 years old, playing game on iPad and scoring goals like a pro made him attract quiet some attention. Any passerby would stop in awe and take a look at the little genius!
March 2, 2014
cchagoler baccha.....and 'kaak'
March 1, 2014
Bollo pakhir chaa....tumi ki amar maa?
The paradox of being a parent is most probably that you want your child to grow and not grow at the same time. I always feel that birdie is growing up too fast, but I also want him to be at a age where he can participate in the things that I enjoy.
New year for me means fairs, trade fair in January, and book fair in February. I have been to all book fairs since 2003, until recently. Over the last two years, for various reasons, I failed to visit the 'praner mela'. When the only certain thing in life becomes uncertainty, you take drastic measures, lest it be the last time you ever get a chance. So I decided to visit the book fair, on the last day, despite the fear of huge crowd.
Since I went early on, I did not face much crowd; but what took me by surprise is that I missed the book fair for two years, and so much has changed. Within Bangla Academy were only the stalls for children publications, little mag, media and some organization based publish houses like Bangla academies own publishing, Islamic foundation etc. The main fair was hosted in a totally segregated ground.
Since I went to buy books for the little one....who by the way is a huge fan of reading, I was almost done soon. All those kids holding the parents hand and roaming around the book fair, made me miss my little birdie. I long for the day when he will be big enough to hold my hand and visit the book fair! So here's the array of books that I bought for him
and here's a array of things that I bought from the fair, that does not count as a book.
1. From the left top corner: An Assortment of vegetables made with clay, to teach him about our heritage. He already broke a few of them.
2. right to it is a sticker of mickey mouse.
3. Left bottom corner: a mask, which was birdies favorite among everything.
4. beside it is a bag to carry all the unnecessary things that I bought.
5. lying on the back is a ghungru. Since birdie walks around the house all day, its fun to add a little sound effect to his walking.
6. in the middle is a piri-belna. Now that the little one can walk around the house, he cozies up in the kitchen, pull out all the utensils, and plays with them, the piri-belna is an addition to his existing set of hari-patil that his nanu bought him earlier. By the way, he knows exactly how to use a the piri-belna.
Now getting back to his original purchase...books, he showed interest about the books at once. He opened them as soon as he received them, and looked through them, till the robot mask distracted him.
Again at night when he was done playing with the other things, he brought me the books, and cozied up to me, and asked me to read them for him. He enjoyed the book 'are you my mother', and after that I read him the rhino book. There was a picture of a ball in it, and the ball interested him more. So he ditched reading, and one by one he looked into all the books to search for pictures of ball. Every time he found a ball, or any round object, he pointed at it, and kept on saying ball.
So that was the end of reading for him for the first night. I am trying to put him into a sleeping routine for him, that involves brushing his teeth, reading a book to him, getting a soothing massage and then going to bed. The purpose of the reading to him is both to calm his extra energy down and settle him, and to get into the habit of reading early on. Hope he gets to be a book worm someday just like both his parents!
Chotopakhi....this book fair is very special for you. A book dedicated to you has been published and launched by your Dadu, in this bookfair. :)
Here are some pictures of the book launching event on 8th Feb, 2014
New year for me means fairs, trade fair in January, and book fair in February. I have been to all book fairs since 2003, until recently. Over the last two years, for various reasons, I failed to visit the 'praner mela'. When the only certain thing in life becomes uncertainty, you take drastic measures, lest it be the last time you ever get a chance. So I decided to visit the book fair, on the last day, despite the fear of huge crowd.
Since I went to buy books for the little one....who by the way is a huge fan of reading, I was almost done soon. All those kids holding the parents hand and roaming around the book fair, made me miss my little birdie. I long for the day when he will be big enough to hold my hand and visit the book fair! So here's the array of books that I bought for him
and here's a array of things that I bought from the fair, that does not count as a book.
2. right to it is a sticker of mickey mouse.
3. Left bottom corner: a mask, which was birdies favorite among everything.
4. beside it is a bag to carry all the unnecessary things that I bought.
5. lying on the back is a ghungru. Since birdie walks around the house all day, its fun to add a little sound effect to his walking.
6. in the middle is a piri-belna. Now that the little one can walk around the house, he cozies up in the kitchen, pull out all the utensils, and plays with them, the piri-belna is an addition to his existing set of hari-patil that his nanu bought him earlier. By the way, he knows exactly how to use a the piri-belna.
Now getting back to his original purchase...books, he showed interest about the books at once. He opened them as soon as he received them, and looked through them, till the robot mask distracted him.
Again at night when he was done playing with the other things, he brought me the books, and cozied up to me, and asked me to read them for him. He enjoyed the book 'are you my mother', and after that I read him the rhino book. There was a picture of a ball in it, and the ball interested him more. So he ditched reading, and one by one he looked into all the books to search for pictures of ball. Every time he found a ball, or any round object, he pointed at it, and kept on saying ball.
So that was the end of reading for him for the first night. I am trying to put him into a sleeping routine for him, that involves brushing his teeth, reading a book to him, getting a soothing massage and then going to bed. The purpose of the reading to him is both to calm his extra energy down and settle him, and to get into the habit of reading early on. Hope he gets to be a book worm someday just like both his parents!
Chotopakhi....this book fair is very special for you. A book dedicated to you has been published and launched by your Dadu, in this bookfair. :)
Here are some pictures of the book launching event on 8th Feb, 2014
February 27, 2014
The sweetest 'bol'
- Little bird takes my ID card points at my pictures and utters 'maa'
- He finds my dress in his grandmothers room, wraps it round his head and plays with it, and keeps on saying 'maa'
awww sweety tumi kobe eto boro hoye gela? it seems that every moment i take my eyes off you, you grow a bit!
boro hoyo na jaanpakhi, be my little bird for ever!
- He finds my dress in his grandmothers room, wraps it round his head and plays with it, and keeps on saying 'maa'
awww sweety tumi kobe eto boro hoye gela? it seems that every moment i take my eyes off you, you grow a bit!
boro hoyo na jaanpakhi, be my little bird for ever!
February 26, 2014
Learning without certification
With the hot and humid season coming up, I want to reduce the little ones dependency on diapers. Also recently he is displaying some dislike towards diapers.
So I have decided to potty train him. He is already 17 months old, it is just about time. I confess I developed most of my parenting skills online. Thanks to websites like , I am a better and a less frantic mom.
So now that I have made my decision, I search for resources online for potty training. Yes, I know this is an important milestone.....but I never expected a whole website to be dedicated on this subject:
Good for novices like me! Thankfully for websites like this I can now pull of being a mom!
So I have decided to potty train him. He is already 17 months old, it is just about time. I confess I developed most of my parenting skills online. Thanks to websites like , I am a better and a less frantic mom.
So now that I have made my decision, I search for resources online for potty training. Yes, I know this is an important milestone.....but I never expected a whole website to be dedicated on this subject:
Good for novices like me! Thankfully for websites like this I can now pull of being a mom!
February 9, 2014
This date.....
Two years ago this day I came to know about the existence of the little one. It was not a fairy tale moment, rather, due to some recent hiccups I didn't know how to react to the situation.
I had my life timeline planned out from before. I would start my family five years after my marriage. By then I would finish my Masters, so that I could give up my full time job and start teaching part time at a University and have more time to spare for the offspring. Also by this time I would have completed acquiring a nest for the little one.
In 2011, when my friends/ colleagues were going for Hajj I asked them to pray for me, as I wanted to extend my family. Things now surprises me, how one thing led to another, and how it ultimately led to the life changing event.
Anyhow time has passed, and the pieces in the puzzle didn't quite fit in. There are so many things in life I am left unsure about, but one thing I can assure in a heartbeat is: being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel content and blessed to have the little one. I was once asked if I felt him to be burden, I want to assert that ....if anything, my little one is a blessing. He is a constant reminder that despite all odds, how my Creator listened and responded to my wanting. He is the reason that I have faith in the Almighty's decision, and am calm in this moments of despair. I know what is happening is for the best, as always, and all I have to do is be patient and righteous.
~ and know that whatever has befallen you could never have missed you, and that which missed you could never have befallen you ~
I had my life timeline planned out from before. I would start my family five years after my marriage. By then I would finish my Masters, so that I could give up my full time job and start teaching part time at a University and have more time to spare for the offspring. Also by this time I would have completed acquiring a nest for the little one.
In 2011, when my friends/ colleagues were going for Hajj I asked them to pray for me, as I wanted to extend my family. Things now surprises me, how one thing led to another, and how it ultimately led to the life changing event.
Anyhow time has passed, and the pieces in the puzzle didn't quite fit in. There are so many things in life I am left unsure about, but one thing I can assure in a heartbeat is: being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel content and blessed to have the little one. I was once asked if I felt him to be burden, I want to assert that ....if anything, my little one is a blessing. He is a constant reminder that despite all odds, how my Creator listened and responded to my wanting. He is the reason that I have faith in the Almighty's decision, and am calm in this moments of despair. I know what is happening is for the best, as always, and all I have to do is be patient and righteous.
~ and know that whatever has befallen you could never have missed you, and that which missed you could never have befallen you ~
January 17, 2014
letters to my little bird
I dream of a lifetime with my little one. I want to be around when he becomes a father. I want to point at his child and say 'this is exactly what you used to do, when you were his age'. I want to share the rest of my life with him. but I know I may not be able to be around. Situation has taught me to think otherwise.
the fate of our relationship is not in our hands, but chotopakhi remember that where ever you are, however you are, I will always love you. remember that you will always be special to me. If I have to rip open my heart to protect you, I will; no questions asked.
Little one, a time will come when you will loose trust in everything around you, and you will go around trying to put the blame on everyone near and dear to you. my son, dont despair. God burdens no one beyond his capacity. Be patient, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
You were given to me in turbulent times, and I have faith in the Almighty's decision. I had decided to have you no matter what the future had in store for us. I knew very early on that I may not be able to provide you everything needed for your proper growth, but that does not keep me from wanting the best for you. Deep within I feel that you will be strong enough to take in whatever life throws at you. Allah knew everything, including the things you will be facing growing up, therefore he has made you likewise to be able to adapt to the upcoming conditions. Chotopakhi, when you are in the grimmest of situation, dont ask 'why me?' ask 'why not me?'. Make yourself understand that every passing thing in life is a test, and being patient is the only thing that matters. God thinks you can handle the pressure therefore he is only testing you.
I have always had faith in the truth. The truth has the power of revealing itself. Dont believe everything you hear, and most importantly don't believe something because you want to believe it. Only believe in the truth, and only the truth. People are so driven by perception that they loose hold of the truth, and that is the most dangerous.
Dont judge anyone, we are not the ones to judge others, we hardly have any clue what the other persons journey is about, what is going on in his mind, so why judge. Only because you disagree with someone, doesnot mean that the other person is any less than you, agree to disagree; everyone has their point of view and that is equally as important as yours!
Be a strong believer of 'karma' what goes around, does come around! be it a curse, be it a help. So only do your deed, dont keep score of what you get in return, because keeping records will only make you feel that you are not getting what you deserve. Believe me, everything gets compensated....everything!
Therefore learn to forgive. trying to get even never works. either one ends up getting hurt. You will meet people who will not jump the puddles, even if you cross the oceans for them. Forgive them, just forgive them. They are immature and lack wisdom, never try to get even with them, pray for them, and forgive them; but dont stop helping them. That they do not jump the puddles for you is their shortcoming, it has nothing to do with you. If you stop helping them, you bring yourself down to their level. Never stop doing what you believe in, be persistent in what you want to achieve. Achieve the right things for the right reasons and the right way. Don't go for the right things for the wrong reasons or the wrong way. The thing may loose value in the process.
That is all I have for you for today!
the fate of our relationship is not in our hands, but chotopakhi remember that where ever you are, however you are, I will always love you. remember that you will always be special to me. If I have to rip open my heart to protect you, I will; no questions asked.
Little one, a time will come when you will loose trust in everything around you, and you will go around trying to put the blame on everyone near and dear to you. my son, dont despair. God burdens no one beyond his capacity. Be patient, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
You were given to me in turbulent times, and I have faith in the Almighty's decision. I had decided to have you no matter what the future had in store for us. I knew very early on that I may not be able to provide you everything needed for your proper growth, but that does not keep me from wanting the best for you. Deep within I feel that you will be strong enough to take in whatever life throws at you. Allah knew everything, including the things you will be facing growing up, therefore he has made you likewise to be able to adapt to the upcoming conditions. Chotopakhi, when you are in the grimmest of situation, dont ask 'why me?' ask 'why not me?'. Make yourself understand that every passing thing in life is a test, and being patient is the only thing that matters. God thinks you can handle the pressure therefore he is only testing you.
I have always had faith in the truth. The truth has the power of revealing itself. Dont believe everything you hear, and most importantly don't believe something because you want to believe it. Only believe in the truth, and only the truth. People are so driven by perception that they loose hold of the truth, and that is the most dangerous.
Dont judge anyone, we are not the ones to judge others, we hardly have any clue what the other persons journey is about, what is going on in his mind, so why judge. Only because you disagree with someone, doesnot mean that the other person is any less than you, agree to disagree; everyone has their point of view and that is equally as important as yours!
Be a strong believer of 'karma' what goes around, does come around! be it a curse, be it a help. So only do your deed, dont keep score of what you get in return, because keeping records will only make you feel that you are not getting what you deserve. Believe me, everything gets compensated....everything!
Therefore learn to forgive. trying to get even never works. either one ends up getting hurt. You will meet people who will not jump the puddles, even if you cross the oceans for them. Forgive them, just forgive them. They are immature and lack wisdom, never try to get even with them, pray for them, and forgive them; but dont stop helping them. That they do not jump the puddles for you is their shortcoming, it has nothing to do with you. If you stop helping them, you bring yourself down to their level. Never stop doing what you believe in, be persistent in what you want to achieve. Achieve the right things for the right reasons and the right way. Don't go for the right things for the wrong reasons or the wrong way. The thing may loose value in the process.
That is all I have for you for today!
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