March 9, 2014

Cycle of life

The last few days has not been perfect for birdie. Sunday and Monday he had some weird rash from an insect bite, he could not sleep. On Tuesday we both fell down on the road while crossing. Thankfully nothing happened, but next morning he had a fever, which is most probably from the cold he had. By Wednesday evening he starts having dysentry. It started passing mucus by Thursday. As of today, he has stains of blood in his already ameboid dysentry.
Thankfully yesterday we took him to a doctor, the doctor that birdies dad visited when he was a toddler himself, and fell ill with the something similar. Talk about cycle of life!

 At that time the doctor lived in birdies dads hometown, now he is here in Dhaka.

Yet under all this distress he keeping up a jolly and playful attitude. He is truly my son!
By the way, I took the iPad with me, guessing that it would take a while for the check up. Birdie played 'perfect kick' on it during the waiting period. Being a 1.5 years old, playing game on iPad and scoring goals like a pro made him attract quiet some attention. Any passerby would stop in awe and take a look at the little genius!

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